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I am really sorry. I have so totally negleted my website and posting a few blogs. This year has been soo busy. Sometimes there are just not enough of me around, giggle.

WHAT IS ACUPRESSURE? Acupressure is firm, controlled and timed pressure applied by thumb, fingers, or elbow, on specific pain-causing "sore" spots of the muscles. No drugs or other medicines are used. "Sore" spots are actually a pattern of small knots, which constrict the flow of blood and oxygen, causing a painful muscle spasm. Acupressure is both safe and healthful. Simple Pressure on the constrictive knots will melt them, to free the flow of blood and oxygen. The acupressure therapy is momentarily painful. Pain should be controlled by a variance of pressure to individual tolerances.

On completion of acupressure and suggested muscle-stretching exercises, the very source of the pain is usually removed - often permanently - and blood circulation is enhanced in the areas treated. Heavily muscled people will require more pressure than babies or the elderly. If the spot is extremely sore and tender, several mild applications of acupressure, over a period of time, can be used. Remember, you press each spot only as hard as can be reasonably tolerated. For shoulder, back and seat areas, an elbow rather than thumb or fingers may be used. Also, when a smaller person, such as a child, is erasing spots on heavy-muscled adults, an elbow can generate the required pressure to erase pain. When pain is being erased from spas med muscles, the pain may move from one place to another - temporarily -even some distance away. Search for sore spots near the new pain location, and erase them. Don't get discouraged. Remember you are not merely masking pain, as with drugs. Instead, the pain erasure can be permanent! Temporary pain relief is immediate, but easy-to-do muscle-stretching exercises, as directed, are required for permanent pain erasure. Stretching twice per day for several days is usually required. Severe cases may require muscle-stretching exercises over a longer period of time. Following surgery of any type, acupressure should be used to speed the healing process, and relieve pain. It should be started even before stitches have been removed.

Acupressure was first and then, a few thausand years later, Acupuncture was born.

Personally, I still prefer Acupressure. You, the Therapist are in better control, but this is my personal opinion. Currently I am doing my Masters Degree in Acupressure and can't wait for it to be finished, as I would love to teach this amaing art, to many others.

Some have asked me, what the difference was between Reflexology and Acupressure: Good and very valid question to be asking. Both apply pressure to feet or hands or outer ears. However, Acupressure does not always coincide with the reflex points used in Reflexology. Acupressure works on the Meridian System, the forth System in our body.

Meridians? What are Meridians?

Well, that is a whole different story and requires a blog all by itself. But know this much, your organs would not survive with mal functioning Meridians. Which are connected to your Chakras also.

That's all for today. Thank you for popping by and catching up.

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