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The Grandmaster – The Term, does it exist?

Grandmaster … what is a Grandmaster supposed to know or do? Can you only be a Grandmaster of one Modality and not another, despite being similar in nature?

In the run up to Easter, I had a week off work and whilst “pottering around”, getting house ready for Easter … I spent time on this exact question.

Let’s take the most popular Modality, one that EVERYBODY is now doing and feel the need to achieve everything yesterday: Reiki. And yes, I am a Master/Teacher in Reiki, and I have been continuously studying and practicing Reiki since my first attunement in 1983. I “only” achieved my Master /Teacher status in 2014.

And while many associations never accepted me teaching Reiki online My Way and long before Covid Lockdowns, I find it quite astonishing, how these so-called Reiki Institutes can change their minds, right? By the way, my way of online studying, you had to, and still have to work hard for it. It takes weeks. Feedbacks and more. You don’t achieve your title from me within hours of you having read the PDF and accepting a Chi Ball like many do and those who bought in to it, wonder why it isn’t working out how they had imagined. But this is a subject for another blog … 😉

So my question is: Can one be a Grandmaster and if so, can one be on of a generic term/title/subject?

What I am trying to ask here, take me for example: I have been doing energy work since my teens. I started with a Pendulum and over the years became proficient with them. Since my teens, I have also had a huge interest in Chakras and so studied them, having read many books and through Reiki. Today, I combine Reiki with Chakras by using my Pendulum. Studied Touch for Health – Dr John Thiel and Cosmic Healing – Mantal Chia (Master). When studying Chakras and Cosmic Healing and Daoism and Touch for Health and Reiki, Prana … you soon discover, each corner of the world has the similar Healing Modality, just called different. Who taught whom, if at all, may be questionable, but I guess Jesus was THE Great Grandmaster in Energy Healing. Herbalism, Essential Oils, homeopathy, Sound Therapy, Colour Therapy, applied pressure therapies such as Reflexology and Acupressure and Meridian manipulation by Acupuncture, and not forgetting the most multi-modalities under TCM and Ayurveda, to me are all Energy Healing Modalities. How the harnessed energy is applied to the client – as long as you don’t use your own – in the broader term is irrelevant, but relevant to the treatment required and applied for this client, at this moment, and the reason for treatment.

What is expected of a Grandmaster of Energy Healing Systems, if such a term should really exist? – to know everything? – to teach one or more modalities? – be always available, not just to clients but to current and former students?

If you are a Master/Teacher of Reiki = Rei = Universal Energy and Ki (Chi/Qi) = Life Force and a Master in Chakra Treatment, Pendulum (Frequency) for Healing, Acupressure, Crystal Therapy, a frequent Practitioner of Dao Cosmic Healing, Kinesiology, Reflexology, Sound (Vibrational) and Colour (Frequency) Therapy, and even Massages … does this make you an overall Master or Grandmaster of Energy Healing Systems? I’d like to think the latter, but I am open to suggestions. Let’s discuss this.

I am also the author of Reiki 19 & 20 of the Reiki Grandmaster Series (non-traditional). Those two symbols and attunements came to me as I was studying Ho’oponopono. There you go, another Energy Healing System I had forgotten to mention above. But during my annual leave and pondering on the Grandmaster concept, another symbol came to me. But this one is different all together. It is not a symbol to be attuned to. If you are truly a Master in your multi-modalities and apply several during your healing session in combination for several years, I believe you are “given” your symbol. Like a Name. It is YOURS and YOURS alone. When I started to apply this symbol at the start of my Reiki Sessions, not only have I felt the energy flow through me and not only does the client’s body “speak to me” loud and clear, but the client also describes an energy moving through them, like never felt before. And they would have come to me in the past.

So my conclusion is that if you “rush” learning weekend workshop/online pdf Reiki, just to get the certificate for Reiki 1 & 2 and then after 21 days pick up Reiki 3&4 (4 doesn’t really exist but in modern times, Reiki Master/Teacher = 3a and 3b = the setting up of business … you go figure), just so that you can be called RMT, you have not learnt a whole lot! Where is your gained knowledge coming from? What experiences have you gained? Have you discovered subtle energy feedbacks from your client? Have you found a common energy pulse each human organ emits? Can you feel the energy of a sick organ before the client knows about this organ being unwell? What has a Reiki Master Teacher learnt to have earnt that title within a space of what, 6 weeks? I rest my case.

I have gained many experiences, certificates, and diplomas of various energy healing modalities over the past 38 years. I would like to think, I have earned the Title Master/Teacher of Energy Healing Systems, whilst being a RMT.

You are a perfect soul. You have everything you need already inside of you

And if you are a Reiki Practitioner for 5+ years, why have you not taken the next step and become the Master/ Teacher in Reiki?

Happy Easter Monday 2023.

Warm Wishes to you all.


CWD April 10th, 2023, Ireland


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