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Mixed Emotions

by Dr Catherine W Dunne MSc.D

Hi everyone. It’s been a while since my last post, but Life has been busy.

I want to share an experience I had today, during an Energy Healing Session. This gentleman, retired, came for a Reiki session. He had never had one before. As with all my clients, who come for the first Reiki, I explain what it is about and what it is I do, and what they may or may not experience.

Also, with all my clients, no matter what they come for, I do a Chakra Assessment. This gives me information about the body and what state it is in, followed by the Byosen.

He is a retired horticulturist and still does a lot of beautiful work in his garden. And so, knowing this, I was somewhat surprised that his Earth Chakra had stopped. Total disconnect. His Root and Sacral Chakras were perfect, and his Solar Plexus and Heart and Throat Chakras were stopped, his 3. Eye and Crown Chakras were turning, but in the wrong directions and his Soul Star Chakra was also motionless.

We had a little discussion about him being disconnected and surely he must be feeling imbalanced?

He admitted feeling imbalanced and thought this was linked to his tinnitus. He had once attended a colleague for an Acupuncture Session for his tinnitus and later a Physiotherapist for trapped sciatica and shoulder and neck tightness, but he continued to feel unbalanced. He denied any issues with his neck and despite gardening work being heavy at times, he denied any physical strain presently.

I preceded to Byosen and quickly was getting mixed energy vibes and spikes right across the abdominal area, upper and mid area and to his right flank. So I asked him if he had any chronic infection/illness with his liver. But something inside told me, here are two different emotions in one body. I was confused. The liver felt hard, energetically that is, while the rest of the body, despite Energy Centres being out of synch, felt soft, sad, but soft and a little tired. His liver made no sense to me. One thing I never done today, shame on me, was give him a questionnaire to complete prior to session. In hindsight probably the best thing I’ve ever done.

While hundreds of possibilities were still running through my head, putting on my “nurse’s think cap” … he looks at me and quietly says: “Oh, I must have forgotten to mention that I am an Organ Transplant Recipient. I got a new liver six years ago.”

I stood there somewhat stunned.

Don’t get me wrong, I see many patients coming into the surgery who have had an organ transplant, but when I am working in the function as a nurse, I am not in the habit of “feeling their auras”. I very seldom mix my professions. Well, seldom in my “day job” as a nurse.

So the liver of a stranger … it is hard with anger. Raging anger. So angry it stopped the Solar Plexus. What did he know about the “owner”? Male, female? Male. Ok. Age? “No. I wasn’t given any more information, just that he had died in a car accident.” I guess that leave a multitude of possibilities open to ponder on. So we created a scenario to help him understand what I was feeling.

Let us say, the “owner” of this liver was a 30-35 year old man, who recently experienced so emotionally tripping, that he raced out in anger … got into his car … raced off … blind to his surroundings … boom. Accident happens and he dies. Life was ripped from his body so sudden. He died with all that agro, anger, fire in his belly. He was so angry; his blood was boiling.

Every Chakra is a Recordkeeper. Every Chakra is connected to organs. Each organ to connected to neighbouring organ, exchanging information via the Meridians and back to the Chakra, also via Meridian and this Chakra to it’s neighbouring Chakra and into the two main Meridian Vessels: Conceptional and Governing.

When any living creature is about to die, either because of illness or old age, the body and Soul is preparing for this day. But in a dramatic event such as an accident, the Soul is ripped out of the vessel we know as the body.

Chakras as Recordkeepers. Each organ has its own Chakra – a minor chakra. Now this organ is being transplanted into another vessel, another body, another strange body, with strange Chakras, strange energies … What just happened? The hospital will now, if you are an organ recipient, place you on life long anti-organ-rejection medications. These affect your immune system. You become an “easy target” for all things virus and bacteria based.

In the human body we have two major organs and one major gland responsible for our healthy immune system. The organs are Liver and Spleen, the gland is the Thymus. The liver is our filter, cleansing our blood, the spleen also, like our bone marrow, produces blood cells but also fighter soldiers – the white cells. Thymus Gland the T-Cells. (I did write an article here about the Thymus Gland, go and have a look Thymus and the significance of T-cells.

The Thymus is home in the Heart Chakra. The Thymus, when healthy, is roughly the size of your hand, leathery, and would remind you of the lotus flower. If sick, or under a lot of pressure because of illness or medications or profound grief, it shrivels up to a hard walnut in size and shape. How do we know this? Well, many many many moons ago, Medical Physicians were also Pathologists. They were studying what make the human be alive and what caused death, and what changes in death. While in Ayurveda and TCM it was long understood, in the younger medicine, the Western School Medicine however, was baffled why this was so. Why had some dead a “walnut” and other a soft leathery lotus in center of their chest? I am sure you will have heard of the saying: Somebody having died of a broken heart. These people, for example, have a “walnut” next to their heart.

Today’s gentleman’s Heart Chakra was motionless. It stands to reason that his Thymus was shut down, shrivelled up, but not because of grief, and not because of illness, but because of his anti-organ-rejection prescription. It is so strong, it overwhelms the Thymus, hence one becomes Immunocompromised.

As I was explaining this to him, I could see his mind going into overdrive. He then asks me: “if the Thymus Gland is healthy, how do I feel, apart from healthy. Are there any tell-tale signs that my body is healthy or happy”? Good question.

I explained that when the Thymus opens up or opens further or simply is “happy” to be at its optimum, we experience it as a ‘flutter’. Because we have a different upbringing and teaching about our body compared to those with Native Nations, Ayurvedic and TCM knowledge, who are more in tune with themselves and Nature, we are not taught this and so, mentioning this to a doctor, you end up with ECG and possibly an ECHO, only to be told, all is normal. Medical Disclaimer: A flutter can also be caused from the heart and usually is accompanied by other symptoms. It is always best to have that ECG done and +/- followed-up by an ECHO.

As he was listening he had an “AHA” moment. He told me he had had this flutter once and he was sent in to hospital, had that ECG and ECHO and all was very satisfactory. He has had it again in the past, but never mentioned to doctor again. This was prior to organ transplant.

His Throat Chakra was blocked because of the either a herniated disc in his neck or tense neck and shoulder muscles that have trapped a nerve, maybe the vagus nerve or some minor blood vessels or other unknown reasons.

With all this knew found knowledge, he agreed for me to focus the Energy Healing on his liver.

While we know the organ donor was male and was in an accident, we don’t know what caused the anger and rage and how long he was carrying this rage within, prior to the fatal moment.

This liver was energetically very active. It felt me as a threat and kept “shooting energy darts” at my hand. At this point I decided to give it some 528Hz frequency with my tuning fork. After a few minutes Mr Liver started to back down. I sent him my focused intensions expressing Gratitude for being here today and allowing this gentleman to have a second chance in life, to live. I asked Mr Liver for Forgiveness. To forgive the person who triggered the anger emotion in the previous “host” and to forgive his former “host” for having been so angry and hold that rage. I asked My Liver to let go of these emotions. As they no longer serve a purpose. He was in a new “host” and this new “host” is so thankful for a second chance to live, all he wants, is that they both continue to live in harmony.

I then started my Reiki Session.

I asked this gentleman what colour he was giving his, this liver now – yellow, and which colour would he like it to be? Blue. I gave instructions to breathe Blue into his liver and exhale Yellow out and to continue to do this until the outbreath matches in the inbreath. This was all I was asking him to do, while I work on the rest.

Walking around him, placing hands, conducting Universal Energy to him, I finally arrived at Mr Liver. This time he was more welcoming to me and allowed me to help him, quite successfully. I continued to work my usual, checked the gentleman’s chakras again, Earth Chakra was slow to get started, but it did, Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras were doing great. Throat Chakra needed a little more persuading, but it too, started up and this, this gentleman felt, he reports.

All was good again.

What was the connection to the Earth Chakra? Memories. Mr Liver’s perceived memories. Burial. Underground. Mr Liver associated “Grounding” with going under the ground. This too, I shown Mr Liver, that this is not the meaning, today.

To conclude this, I learnt some new things today. I am grateful for this experience of how a donated organ resonates in the recipient’s body. At the start of today’s session, there was Mixed Emotions. At the end of this session, there was only one: Gratitude.

Thank you for reading my article.

Warm Wishes, until next blog.

CWD 05/05/2023 Ireland


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