The Ordering of Paradise by Della Divina Commedia (Of the Divine Comedy) or How to raise your lower
By Rev. Dr. Catherine W Dunne MSc.D, RGN, WMA, ACHH, RGMT, RMP, RHP, Healing Minister, Reiki 20th Degree GMT, Lemurian Seed Reiki GMT, Chakra Master Practitioner, Master Pendulum Practitioner. Co-Founder of Aumvedas Academy and Teacher. Owner of Holistic Health Care Wexford. Author of Reiki Grandmaster Series Attunements numbers 19&20.
Quick translation of this old Michelangelo Caetani drawing.
Starting from the bottom all in Italian:
Gerusalemma = Jerusalem
Inferno = Hell
Selva Oscura = Wild Forrest
Emisperio Della Terra = hemisphere of the land
punto, al quale si traggon b’ con parte i pesi = point, to which which b’ with the weights are drawn
Emisoerio Dell’ Acqua = hemisphere of the water
Purgatorio = Purgatory
Paradiso Terrestre = Paradise on Earth
Cielo Della Luna = Sky of the moon.
Cielo Di Mercurio = Sky of Mercury.
Cielo Di Venere = Sky of Venus.
Cielo del Sole = Sky of the Sun.
Cielo Di Marte = Sky of Mars.
Cielo Di Give = Sky of Jupiter.
Cielo Di Saturno = Sky of Saturn.
Cielo Stellato Zodiaco = Sky of the Constellations. Zodiac.
Cielo Cristallino. Primo Mobile = Crystal clear sky. First mobile.
Cielo Quieto Empireo Paradiso = Quite sky. Empyrean Paradise.
Figura Universale Della Devina Commedia – Universal Figure of the Divine Comedy
So that is the picture translated. Now, before anyone goes on about Flat earth vs Spheric earth, just pause to remember, not even Michelangelo was able to paint in 3D on a flat sheet of paper.
Today is 27th December 2022. The whole family is down with the flu. Yes flu, not covid. Some things have been around before 2020, and the flu is one of them. So, I had nothing better to be doing, but to ponder on the spirituality and metaphysical part of “all things to do with Christmas”, which includes Jerusalem. So I went down a “rabbit-hole”.
I googled “Jerusalem” and I got:
The name means “city of peace.” Jerusalem is often called Zion; Mount Zion is the hill on which the fortress of the city was built.…
During the Canaanite period (14th century BCE), Jerusalem was named as Urusalim on ancient Egyptian tablets, probably meaning “City of Shalem” …..
Why is it called Jerusalem? Hebrew Bible and Jewish sources Jerusalem – Wikipedia According to a Midrash, the name is a combination of two names united by God, Yireh (“the abiding place”, the name given by Abraham to the place where he planned to sacrifice his son) and Shalem (“Place of Peace“, the name given by high priest Shem).
In the Old Testament, Shalem is the name of a city ruled by Melchizedek. Some experts believe that the biblical city of Shalem is today’s Jerusalem (Jeru-shalem), the “City of Peace.”
The Place of Peace … Paradise?
Hmmm, City of Shalem … ??? City of Shambhala? Naahhhh. Not possible, or is it? So I continued to do research. I google: “City of Shalem” and I get:
Salem is an ancient Middle Eastern town mentioned in the Bible. Salem is referenced in the … Jacob came to Shalem, a city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan…
Wait, SALEM??? Okay. So what can I find with Salem and connection to Jerusalem or Shamballa?
So I looked up Shamballa, Shambala, Shambhala… Shambhala (pronounced sham-bah-lah, sometimes spelled “Shambala” and “Shamballa”) is a mythical Buddhist kingdom that is said to exist somewhere between the Himalaya Mountains and the Gobi Desert. In Shambhala, all of the citizens have achieved enlightenment, so it is the embodiment of Tibetan Buddhist perfection. That is the reason for one of its other names: The Pure Land. It is also known as Olmolungring, Shangri-La, Paradise, and Eden.
At first it may appear somewhat confusing to associate Shambhala with Christianity. Shambhala is usually associated with Eastern thought and religion, such as Tibetan Buddhism. Public knowledge of Shambhala in Western society really began with the Theosophical Society, founded in 1875.
According to theosophical literature, Shambhala was originally a small colony of Atlantean adepts in eastern Asia who had survived the cataclysmic submergence of the ancient continent. This sanctuary-colony was established by a high initiate known in the East as “Manu.” These primordial survivors gathered on a sacred island in a prehistoric sea now occupied by the Gobi Desert: “An island, where now the Gobi Desert lies, was inhabited by the last remnant of the race that preceded ours; a handful of Adepts―the “Sons of God,” now referred to as Brahman Pitris … This sea existed until the last great glacial period, when a local cataclysm, which swept the waters south and west, formed the present great desolate desert …” (“Theosophy,” Vol. 42, No. 3, January, 1954). ….Under the direction and influence of Christ-Jesus, the lotus-centre of Shambhala that once invisibly hovered ‘beyond the Himalayas,’ is now etherically situated above the geographical city of Jerusalem. This new sacred heart-centre of Shambhala is known esoterically as the “New Jerusalem.”
“The growth of the New Jerusalem has been ongoing since the Mystery of Golgotha. When the human being has entirely fulfilled his time on earth he will have reached the stage in which he not only weaves the heavenly substance into his own body through his senses, but in which he extends the heavenly substance through what we call spiritual knowledge and art into what will be the external city. The Old Jerusalem was built from below upwards; the New Jerusalem will be built in all reality from above downwards”. ~From The Book of Revelation, by Rudolf Steiner, Lecture 9, Dornach, 13 September 1924
Are Salem and Jerusalem the same?
The name refers to the royal city of Melchizedek and is traditionally identified with Jerusalem. It is also mentioned in Hebrews 7. Salem (Bible) – Wikipedia That the name Salem refers to Jerusalem is evidenced by Psalm 76:2 which uses “Salem” as a parallel for “Zion”, the citadel of Jerusalem. The same identification is made by Josephus and the Aramaic translations of the Bible. Names of Jerusalem – Wikipedia
Salem is old Jerusalem
Shambala/Shamballa/Shambhala in New Jerusalem
I cannot find any direct connection between Salem and Shamballa, only hints. But as both are linked to Jerusalem in some shape or form, I conclude that one is the physical past and the other still an etherical future. I left the links here for you to click on and read yourself. I also believe that there is a far greater meaning behind all of this. Microcosm and Macrocosm and Above so Below and on a spiritual level, all that ends, is recycled, and encouraged to regrow with more wisdom and new knowledge gained. We are the living organisms on earth, which is a living organism in our solar system, which is a living organism in our Milky Way Galaxy, which is a living organism in the universe, which is a living organism in the … ? But staying on earth: a seed is sown. First it grows roots, to be firmly anchored into the rich soil Gaia has to offer. Now the stem grows followed by branches, flowers, and fruit. The fruit carries the seeds for the next generation of tree/plant to be seeded. So in my view, Salem is the mother tree and Shamballa, it’s off-spring. Gaia is transitioning and us with her. Paradise lives in the Seed with all of it’s Divine Glory, ready to “show herself off” to the world. And many still have not “got it”. In order to be like that Tree of Life, we must raise our lower frequencies. To lift out of the dark (roots) into the light (tree crown). When we have reach the Light, there will be another Darkness lurking below us. Once aware, start raising it to the Light. We know that trees are interconnected with one another, something us humans are still to master. Globally. If we did, the current crises we hear about, read about, witness and taking in their refugees…… would not exist. The last time humanity came close to reaching this Oneness, was 9-11! Think about that for a moment.
Ah well….. such is Life. Did you know that the oldest Language is circa. 4700 years old and is said to be Egyptian.
Did you know that the Bible thinks, Earth is only 6000 years old?
Did you know that In cosmology, the seven heavens refer to seven levels or divisions of the Heavens (Heaven). The concept, also found in the ancient Mesopotamian religions, can be found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; a similar concept is also found in some other religions such as Hinduism. Some of these traditions, including Jainism, also have a concept of seven earths or seven underworlds both with the metaphysical realms of deities and with observed celestial bodies such as the classical planets and fixed stars.
To each of the seven heavens corresponds one of the seven classical planets known in antiquity. Ancient observers noticed that these heavenly objects (the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) moved at different paces in the sky both from each other and from the fixed stars beyond them.
Noticed how our Moon falls under a category of being a planet? I believe this happened when Pluto was removed. 😉
Seven Heavens. Seven heavenly objects. Seven main chakras.
Much to think about and I shall leave this at that.
Good Night, God bless. May 2023 bring you all you wish for.
Catherine 27/12/2022 Ireland