Meridian Chakras
by Catherine W Dunne 23.10.2022/Ireland
I have been writing a book about the Chakra-Meridian connections and I now feel, I am just going to blog it, rather than publish it. I started this book in 2016-September, and I still cannot complete it, as I feel, there is some knowledge out of my grasp, understanding, knowledge.
I am not a Healer and do not claim to be one. I heal, but I am not a Healer. I conduct and guide energy, so you can heal yourself.I am the Conductor of self-healing-energy, but you are the catalyst, who initiates the conductor.
Dr CW Dunne Msc.D 19.06.2016
This excerpt is from Chapter two of my book:
The Energy Centres: On an organic level, our energy centres are our vital organs: Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Spleen, Intestine, Liver and Brain. We have studied them in the Anatomy and Physiology section above.
On a psychic level, we have the Chakras; 7 Major Chakras are commonly known. The entire universe is made up of energy and our bodies are no exception. Our body’s network is made up of various psychic centres or chakras that are responsible for all the functions of our body, its balance and imbalance. These chakras or energy centres allow cosmic energy to flow in our body and are also present in more than one dimension. One is their physical state, the other is their spiritual dimension. The way we feel, behave and act are in complete alignment with the state of our chakras. As energy centres, they provide energy to specific areas and functions of the body, also enabling the awakening of our higher consciousness. We cannot see these chakras with our naked eye but surely through meditation, we can feel their energy.
Human body has 114 chakras, but only seven of these are considered as the fundamental chakras. These chakras start at the base of our spine and go all way to the top of our head. For a balanced person, these seven chakras provide the right amount of energy to the body, mind and soul. However, an emotional trauma, stress, loss or an accident can cause blockage to the chakras which creates an imbalance in the body and mind.
On an energetic level, we have the Meridians. The twelve standard meridians, also called Principal Meridians, are divided into Yin and Yang groups and two other called Conception Vessel and Governing Vessel. The Yin meridians of the arm are Lung, Heart, and Pericardium. The Yang meridians of the arm are Large Intestine, Small Intestine, and Triple Burner. The Yin Meridians of the leg are Spleen, Kidney, and Liver. The Yang meridians of the leg are Stomach, Bladder, and Gall Bladder. Yin and Yang work opposite each other and by doing so, support and keep the healthy balance.
The Role of the Meridians
Meridians affect every organ and every physiological system including the Immune & Nervous systems, the Endocrine, Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, Skeletal, Muscular & Lymphatic systems. Each system is fed by at least one meridian. In the way an artery carries blood, a meridian carries energy. As the body’s energy bloodstream, the meridians bring vitality and balance, remove blockages, adjust metabolism and even determine the speed and form of cellular change. Their flow is as critical as the flow of blood, your life and health depend on both. If a meridian’s energy is obstructed or unregulated, the system it feeds is jeopardized. If you think of the meridians as an energy transportation system, a complex traffic network, you have a concrete model of how meridian energies interact. The Meridian pathways need regular maintenance and repair because disturbances in meridian energies correlate with ill health.
While many of the essential structures of the human body including the meridians, evolved millions of years ago, these structures evolved to support a body that was adapting to a markedly different world than we encounter today so it is not surprising that your body’s energy transportation system may sometimes get its lines crossed and may deliver too much energy to one organ or not enough to another. The stressors we face daily tend to send our most vulnerable meridians into a frenzy of overwork or alternatively virtual shutdown.
When this frenzy or shutdown is recurrent, other meridians attempting to compensate for the imbalance, become entrenched in crisis mode. In the ensuing chain reaction, your whole energy transportation system can become ineffective, draining your vitality and leaving you susceptible to all sorts of illness.
Basic Chakra information
Thanks to the Internet, Amazon and more, we can find massive numbers of information on Chakras; all very basic, some a little more in depth with adding other information. Let us see what we all know already; Chakras are the energy centres of our body. They are the record keepers of our life in this life time. Or is it just this life time?
Now that the chakras have become New Age parlance, there are many interpretations of their meaning and function being bandied about. While this popularity is making the chakras a household word, it is also spreading a lot of confusing, conflicting, and often erroneous information. It is important to realize the chakras come from an ancient tradition, which many New Age teachers have barely explored. Here is a brief summary of the development of the chakras historically.
The Vedas are the oldest written tradition in India, (1,500 – 500 B.C.) recorded from oral tradition by upper caste Brahmins, who may have been descended from the Aryan stock which entered India from the north. The original meaning of the word chakra as “wheel” refers to the chariot wheels of the rulers, called cakravartins. (The correct spelling is cakra, though pronounced with a ch as in church.) The word was also a metaphor for the sun, which “traverses the world like the triumphant chariot of a cakravartin and denotes the eternal wheel of time called the kalacakra which represents celestial order and balance.
The birth of a cakravartin was said to herald a new age, and they were described as preceded by a golden disk of light, much like the halo of Christ, only this spinning disk was seen in front of them (perhaps their powerful third chakras). It is also said that the god Vishnu descended to Earth, having in his four arms a cakra, a lotus flower, a club, and a conch shell. (This may have referred to a cakra as a discus-like weapon.)
There is some mention of the chakras as psychic centers of consciousness in the Yoga Upanishads (circa 600B.C.) and later in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (circa 200 B.C.). Most interpretations of Patanjali read a dualism between purusha (pure consciousness) and prakriti (the prima materia of the world), implying that the goal of yoga was to rise above nature for the realization of pure consciousness, free of the fluctuations of the mind and emotions. Yet the word yoga means union or yoke, so this realization of consciousness must ultimately reintegrate with nature for a higher synthesis.
The chakra system and Kundalini yoga arose within the Tantric tradition, during the second half of the first millennium, common era. The word Tantra means tool (tra) for stretching (tan) and can be thought of as a loom in which the fabric of nature is woven from the union of opposites. In the West, Tantra is thought of primarily as a sexual tradition, yet sacred sexuality is only a small part of a broad weaving of philosophy which includes many practices of yoga, worship of deities, especially the Hindu goddesses, and integration of the many polaric forces in the universe.
The main text about chakras that has come to us in the West is a translation by the Englishman, Arthur Avalon, in his book,The Serpent Power published in 1919. These texts: the Sat-Cakra-Nirupana, written by an Indian pundit in 1577, and the Padaka-Pancaka, written in the 10th century, contain descriptions of the centers and related practices. There is also another 10th century text, called the Gorakshashatakam, which gives instructions for meditating on the chakras. These texts form the basis of our understanding of chakra theory and Kundalini yoga today.
In these traditions, there are seven basic chakras, and they all exist within the subtle body, overlaying the physical body. Through modern physiology we can see that these seven chakras correspond exactly to the seven main nerve ganglia which emanate from the spinal column. There are minor chakras mentioned in the ancient texts, the soma chakra, located just above the third eye, and the Anandakanda lotus, which contains the Celestial Wishing Tree (Kalpataru) of the Heart Chakra, and other texts mention minor sub-levels to the major chakras.
So what do we know about the Chakras to date?
We know they are wheel like discs, spinning in a clockwise motion
We know that there are seven major chakras in our body
We know to date, there are 114 and maybe more
We know Chakras have their own colours
We know that Chakras are our energy centres and recorders
We know that the Chakras house/connect with certain organs
We know that there are certain associations connected with them, like home, finance, intuition, clairvoyance, spirituality and more.
We know that when Chakras are blocked, illness sets in
We know that there are Foods and Yoga, for instance, that can help your Chakras
We know that for each Chakra, there is a mantra.
But did you know, that:
Every Chakra has a front and back?
Each Chakra has a “receiving” and a “sending” side?
Each Chakra rotates opposite clockwise and anti-clockwise?
Every living cell is the image of Earth’s magnetic forces?
That the Meridians are connected to the Chakras and our Vital Organs?
Chakras function on a Psychic Level?
Chakras are functioning in different Dimensions also – connecting us, like an umbilical cord, to those other Dimensions?
These are just a few examples of what we already know about Chakras, but I still believe that there is far more to our Chakras than what has already been written about.
I teach about the basic and advanced Chakra Systems, teach the benefits of good wholesome food and yoga for balancing them. Even the benefits of Essential Oils. I also teach Chakra Tapping, which is Chakra and EFT. I have done so for a number of years now, likewise with Reiki, but it was only this week, with a Client, that I finally saw the bigger picture.
We now understand that our Vital Organs are being fed via the Circulatory System, cleansed via the Lymphatic and Digestive System, electrically charged and informed via the Nervous System, stimulated via the Endocrine System…..and all together via the Meridian System. That is quite the system we have going for ourselves, right?
…..ah, do I hear a question? Did I hear you ask: “So what has all of this to do with the Chakras and where to the Meridians fit in?” That is a very solid question!
As I mentioned earlier, the Chakras are working on a Psychic Level. They cannot be seen, but they surely can be felt and sensed. So what Do we know of the Chakras? Any search engine will provide you with an array of information, very similar to the next, worded differently, but the basic information is that they are the Energy Centres and are spinning cogwheels – some faster and some slower, and have their own specific colour and that some are larger than their neighbour.
Have you tried visualising these wheels, spinning, along your spine? How much space does a wheel require? Should I not be feeling a turning wheel inside of me?
Well, let me say this to you: When one or more of your Chakras are unbalanced, out of synch or plain motionless, YOU will notice this. How? Well, ill health sets in. If ignored and allowed to manifest, then terminal illness is the end result. On the other side, if you are feeling “On Top of The World” and of great health, everything is going so well for you, you are well balanced and in harmony with yourself, know, this comes from perfectly functioning Chakras.
“ Okay”, I hear you say, “but what makes the Chakras work?” Yes, another valid question and the answer is simple: CHI (Qi). Put simply, chi (qi) is that which gives life. In terms of the body, chi is that which differentiates a corpse from a live being.
Chi is also the basis of acupuncture.
A strong life force makes a human being totally alive, alert and present while a weak force results in sluggishness and fatigue. You can increase and develop your chi to overcome illness, become more vibrant and enhance mental capacity.
The concept of a life force is found in most of the ancient cultures of the world. In India, it is called prana; in China, chi; in Japan, ki; for Native Americans, the Great Spirit. For all these cultures and others as well, the idea of life force is or was central to their forms of medicine and healing.
Both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupressure/Acupuncture are based on balancing and enhancing chi to bring the body into a state of health.
CWD 2016/Ireland
I continue in my book to discuss the Quantum side of Chakras based on the Dao knowledge base: Microcosm and Macrocosm.
I hope this was informative and please do let me know, if you would like to learn more about Chakras. I have a very extensive course on basic knowledge of our chakras.
Many thanks for taking the time reading this blog. CWD 23.10.2022/Ireland