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Many Facets make a Whole

The Alternative Therapy to Alternative Medicine.

I believe that The Usui Reiki System, Chakra Healing/Balancing, Pendulum Healing, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Acupressure. Acupuncture, Prana, Colour and Sound Therapy …. are all complementary holistic therapies within CAM (Complementary/Alternative Medicine), that should be included in school medicine like it is in Germany. Medicine today, including Pharmaceutical Industry, seem remarkably have forgotten where they originated from.

Nature has always provided the sickness with antidote right next to it. In the plant work we see this. A little bit more difficult when it comes to venomous animal bites, but I am positive, Gaia provided for this, too. Many of plant based, poisonous plants, berries…., have provided today’s medication and more. The Pharma industry has now been able to copy the chemical chains and molecules that make up a particular therapy, that today we are treated with chemicals rather than natural products, increasing the toxicity levels in our body. But, we cannot ignore Pharmaceutical. And they should not ignore us either. Instead, they should accept us as another facet of health providers. Together, we work as one and not in division. For example:

Imagine a large diamond. When you are looking at it, you see all the multitude of facets, that makes its shape and look by design. (W)holistic means the wholesome body and this includes Spirituality, Esoteric, Ethereal, Energetic, Emotion and Physical Body. The term Health Care is usually associated with conventional Medicine. Conventional being Health Care Providers like your Medical Doctor, Physiotherapy, Psychotherapy, Social Therapy…. These are the facets of your Wholistic Diamond. One diamond with many facets. Health Care comes with many facets. I do not favour the terms Alternative “Medicine” or Complementary “Medicine”, as the word Medicine is associated with something that requires chemically, pharmaceutically engineered prescriptions. Medicine is associated only with conventional medicine, but not with Health or Holistic Care. If we look at all of the facets as a whole, then we are looking at one Holistic Health Care = one Diamond.

Energy is perceived in many forms. To use a famous quote I use frequently: Energy = Vibration + Frequency. In my next blog I want to talk about the various Energy Modalities I practice.

I hope you enjoyed this little read. Warm Wishes. Catherine


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