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The human body has a storehouse for energy within the solar plexus, just as the sun stores energy for its planetary system. This energy is called Prana or Ki. It is the life force behind all things in our universe.

We can enervate more Ki to any depleted part of the body by using the mind, the nucleus of the body, to direct it to where it is needed. This activates the nucleus within the cells of the body in need of assistance.

Practise the Manipura self-healing method as follows:

lie down in a cornfortable position. Support any painful areas of your body with folded towels or pillows underneath. Repeat the words “ReiKi on” or “LeiKi on” 3 times and wish for your own healing to take place. Relax the feet, legs and lower trunk. Now feel the head. shoulders, aims, hands and upper trunk letting go.

Visualise your solar plexus area, the Manipura Chakra, being generated with a bright, luminous yellow healing streaming down from the sun above. This energy is re-filling your own solar centre which is a ball of revolving energy radiation outwards.

Now, take your mind to the top of your head, feeling the scalp relax as the forehead smoothest out allow the relaxing energy to draw down your body to the solar plexus. Let the eyes sink back into the sockets and feel the eyelashes touching with the energy flowing downwards. Lips together, teeth apart and jaw hanging loose see the energy continue down through the neck. Allow the shoulders to drop down, relaxing, as the energy t1ows downwards through the chest and ribs into the solar plexus. From the top of the spine to the mid-hack and from the fingers up through the arms, feel energy moving down to the solar plexus Chakra.

Visualise and feel the Manipura – solar plexus Chakra radiating more brightly

Clearly see in your mind’s eye the toes and feet. Feel each foot falling outwards as you relax. Allow the energy in the feet to allow gently up to your solar plexus. Notice the calves loosening and thighs letting go. Draw the Ki energy upwards to the solar plexus area.

Feel the buttocks sinking down and the tummy releasing tension. Be aware of the energy moving upwards through those areas and the pelvis. From the hips up to the solar plexus. Through the spine to the mid-back.

Visualise and feel the Manipura – solar plexus Chakra radiating more brightly. Tune into your body and any part which is in pain or requires healing See and feel the solar plexus area full of ki energy which is a bright yellow colour.

Send the Manipura energy to relieve pain or to repair and heal any area of need. Visualise a stream of energy flowing tn that specific area and any dark spots filling with light from the solar plexus storehouse.

Keep pumping energy and light from the solar plexus to the weak parts of your body, until you feel it is sufficient

Now send the Ki energy from the Manipura Chakra back out to all parts of your body and be aware of a more balanced state.

Give thanks for your own healing which has taken place and thanks to the lei (God Love Energy) and Ki (Life Force Universal Energy).

Wriggle your fingers and toes. stretch your arms above your head and slowly move your body. Take deeper breaths in and out and come back up to surface.

You have connected your mind to the cell within and the universe without all of which has connected with the highest infinite light and love, described on planet earth in many ways.

Below is information on where to place the hands for each particular Chakra.

Crown Chakra

Heart Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Naval Chakra

Sacrum Chakra

Thank you for showing an interest in Chakras. Warm Wishes Catherine


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