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Chakra Meditation

In Hinduism and in some related Asian cultures, a chakra is thought to be a nexus of metaphysical and/or biophysical energy residing in the human body. Chakra Meditation involves Chakra Anusandhana, which means “discovery or search of the chakras”. It is a simple way for beginners to explore the chakras self-tutored. It helps in awakening them gently, and in a balanced integrated way. Within our bodies there are focal points of energy, called Chakras, that we use, whether consciously or unconsciously. Chakras are located in important parts of everyone’s body. Any organ within the area of these Chakras are used to control; and are, therefore, directly affected by the properties of that Chakra. There are seven Chakras located throughout the body, each with their own unique attributes and characteristics: The Root Chakra is located directly at the base of the spine, also known as the coccyx. This Chakra is closely related to the body and our ability to master it. One’s health, constitution and security are linked to this Chakra. In addition, the realization of how our bodies connect to the material world is focused here. Take a deep breath and pull it down through your body to the very base of your spine, the seat of the first chakra. As you release the air, relax all the muscles in your toes, feet, and legs. Take in more air and focus on your connecting point to the earth. Now release the air, relax down through your body, and continue to send your attention deep into the center of the earth. Picture magnetic lines of force coming from the earth’s core, connecting with your own root center. Allow that force to arise within you, from below. Imagine a feeling of power surging into this “root” center from the deep center of the earth. As it increases, keep your attention on this powerful magnetic energy at the bottom of your spine. Focusing at the base of the spine, imagine that with each breath, energy collects and builds up there. Continue to relax, and sense the feelings in the coccyx, perineum, anus, and deep inside your pelvic cavity, the foundation of your body. Sensing your root center, breathe as if the earth’s energy is coming directly into you from below. Allow the energy to build, like a growing, magnetic force. The Naval Chakra or Libido is located in the lower abdomen. This Chakra is tied into the more physical feelings of love, passion, and sexuality. The feeling of pleasure is also linked with this Chakra, so one may feel focus and feedback in this Chakra during moments of harmony, generosity, group creativity and selflessness. Keeping the first chakra open, take a long deep breath in, and lift your awareness from your root center, up to the second chakra, the area of your sexual and reproductive organs. Take in more, letting the red energy from below heat up to a glowing orange surge… Now let the air rush out and begin to consciously relax your genital muscles, buttocks, abdomen, hips, and pelvis. Breathe the warm energy into the second chakra, deep inside your sexual center. Allow the power generated below to surge upwards and spread out at this second energy level, like warm, orange lava flowing out of a volcano. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just above the navel and below the chest. This Chakra is a focus point for our force of will and our sense of transformation. Concentration and control of our personal energies originate from this point. One’s sense of power and authority, as well as self-control and discipline of the ego converge here. Now take a deeper inhalation and lift your awareness to the third chakra, the abdominal/solar plexus center in your belly. While exhaling, let your attention settle here in your middle, your center of gravity. The colour changes from orange to radiant bright yellow. Imagine that your breath comes not through your nose, but directly into your belly. Feel the air flowing into your guts. As you meditate on this glowing power center, sense the force within your diaphragm that moves your breath in and out automatically. Allow that innate rhythm free range to determine the depth and pace of your breathing and feel how it gently affects the surrounding areas. Continue letting all your stomach muscles relax deeper and feel the entire diaphragm itself relaxing. The Heart Chakra is located at the center of the chest and is the focus for love and understanding. This Chakra also nurtures the rarefied feeling of unconditional or divine love, love that goes beyond the physical. Take another slightly deeper inhalation and draw your attention up to the center of your chest. Take in more. As you exhale, settle your awareness on this heart center, and imagine it feeling stronger, while at the same time reopening all previous levels in succession.

The fourth chakra rules the heart, lungs, thymus, and adrenals. The native element is air, and the feelings are light and expansive. The colour is emerald, green, nature’s own colour of life, nourishment, and healing. The transition from third to fourth chakra is a major evolutionary step, and one that differentiates you from most of the animals. Here, you have the potential for looking beyond your personal ego and melodrama, achieving some sense of balance between yourself and the world. This is the center of the higher faculties: love, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and self-sacrifice. Here we become conscious participants in our own evolution. The heart is the center of the true calling of all human souls: pure unconditional love. The Throat Chakra is located in the throat area between one’s chin and the top of the sternum. This Chakra is linked to one’s powers of communication. Through this Chakra, one can realize truth and knowledge, honesty, kindness, and wisdom and how these elements can be conveyed through thoughtful speech. Now inhale somewhat forcefully and pull all that energy up from the deep red root center, through the orange sexual/regenerative center, and up and through the yellow power plexus, and the green heart level, and into your throat area, which is a beautiful blue colour. Hold the air and energy in for a moment while relaxing… take in more. Now relax and soften your tongue, vocal cords, epiglottis, neck muscles, shoulders, arms, and hands. With each exhalation, feel the radiant energy in your thyroid at the base of the neck, and throughout your entire upper respiratory tract. Sigh out the sound, “ah…” Open the throat chakra. The Brow Chakra is located in the forehead, right above our eyes. This is also known as the region of the “Third Eye” in Buddhist and other belief systems. This Chakra is related to our perception beyond the physical realm. Intuition, insight, and imagination can all be associated with this Chakra. With the throat chakra remaining open, take a deeper breath in, and lift your awareness to the psychic center between your eyebrows, in the middle of your forehead. Then relax deeply and imagine that each breath has the effect of opening this “Third Eye” center, like a window opening to a morning sunrise. Allow the brilliant light directly into your forehead center, splashing a rainbow of colour through your brain. You feel your head getting more transparent. Now picture a radiant super-natural indigo light flooding in through your eyes and brain, illuminating your consciousness in all directions and dimensions. The Crown Chakra is located at the very top of the head. This Chakra is associated directly with dealings of the mind and spirit. This Chakra is deeply tied to the exploration of one’s consciousness and place in space and time. Breathe in and come up. Hold it. Release. The crown chakra.. It is like a thousand-petalled lotus opening upward from the top of your head. This “fontanelle” is where you enter and exit the physical body as a soul evolving through endless incarnations and forms. The glands are the pituitary and thalamus, deep in the brain. The colour is luminous super-natural violet, reaching up to the brilliant white of pure cosmic consciousness itself. In the throat center, you are knowledge. In the eyebrow center you are intuition. In the crown you are wisdom.

How to Practice Chakra Meditation: Chakra Meditation can be practised sitting or lying. Close your eyes and adjust your body and clothes. Take a deep breath and relax. Take a few minutes to settle down and then practise Ujjayi Pranayama. Try to practice the latter for a little while.

Now bring awareness to the spinal passage, such that you feel the breath move up from the bottom to the top. Spend a few minutes establishing this inner breath pattern up and down. Ascend with inhalation and descend with exhalation.

Begin to locate chakras within that channel. You need not pinpoint the exact location, just focus on the general areas. Try to feel the location of each station and mentally repeat its name as you pass by it. On your way up mentally repeat from Mooldhara to Ajna, and way down reverse the order.

Just before finishing let go of the breath sound, then name and chant ‘Om’ thrice.


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