Intuitive Healing
Hi. Thank you for coming back to read another blog of mine. Today I want to share an experience I made, during a Intuitive Healing session. I have several Healing Modalities “under my belt”, so I would consider myself well experienced in what I do. But I am also a Nurse and so can draw more indepth conclusions. Intuitive Healing is akin with Spiritual Healing. Small difference being, we are dealing with a human being, in this life time and this life time’s problems, hurt, sorrows, pain, happiness, euphoria, depression…….. Love and the lack of. So we are dealing with accumalated emotions. Emotions, if negative and left to exist, grow like a cancer and eat you inside out, until you either have a”burn-out” or “call it quits”. I recently had a client in, who had for 40 years always been a public servant; serving, attending to the general public. Most times, she enjoyed this position and other times felt resentment as could never offer their children the holidays, that other parents perhaps could and would. But she was a hard working person; juggling work and home simultaneously. Despite her efforts she increasingly felt unsupported by family members. One year, after work pulling at her strings, children pulling at her strings, extended family pulling at her strings, feeling there was no escaping …. the ceiling was coming down …. she became ill. She needed surgery and not a small, insignificant surgery. It was that type of surgery where you would require recuperation post surgery. Ideally 3 weeks. Not 3 days. No sooner had she been discharged home, it was expected of her to return to work, to be present, this was her duty! “If she was well enough to be discharged …. she was well enough to work again!” This was the work’s philosophy. Just let this sink in for a moment. Imagine that the sick certification, excusing you from work, did not exist. Imagine, if you had had histerectomy (6 weeks recuperation and no lifting is recommended), or carpel tunnel surgery or got bone pinned or heart valve replacement or thyroid surgery or collapsed lung or robotic prostate surgery….. you get the idea. You return to work with all expectations as before surgery and more. No support. Just keep giving. Now you see CAM and find a Reiki practitioner and you attend and you come home with such positive experience. You felt Human again. You felt energised. You can face the “Music and dance” again. And it goes well for a while. You are coping. But, there is still this one thing nagging on you. The lack of family support, the constant digging in the ribs, the constant words in your ears: ” more is expected of you” …. ” you are the face of this business” …. ” it is your duty to greet the general public, to welcome them in, so show them around….” …… ” if something goes wrong, only you are to be blamed….” and the actual story and background I am not discussing here. Years go by, the pressure is weighing you down, you remember how beneficial that Reiki treatment was and seeked out another. But all goes horribly wrong. Not the Reiki seesion, but the session that occured in the next room, with this child screaming in terror, you are told that this child is possessed and is being cleared … all is okay … don’t worry. But something happened to you. Again, the actual story and background I am not discussing here. Being born to parents who spent their childhood in WWII. Effection and Emotion was left out … never having been told “I love you, my child”. As an adult, you find the love you later marry and have children with. But his parents were no different to your parents. Same circumstances. WW2 has a lot to answer for. Any war, for that matter. And again, the actual story and background I am not discussing here. The years move on. Work is getting tougher, and so is life. You try your best and that is still not good enough. Resentment, anger, frustration are born. These emotions fester and linger and are never dealt with. Well you think they are, but they are never addressed. Your body is showing signs of physical unwellness. You seek out medical help, seek out holistic help and it works to a degree but the body refuses to heal. In TCM Anger resides in the Liver. In TCM we have three brains: upper, middle and lower dantien = head, heart and bowel. Liver meridian point for Anger is T5. My client arrived, requesting Vibrational Therapy. She had also read Dr Brad Nelson’s Emotion Code and had practiced his exercises (including the use of magnets) and all went well, but woke this morning feeling just like she had after that “bad” Reiki experience all them years ago. Memories came flooding back. Didn’t want to leave her bed, for only she had an appointment with me. I had all my tuning forks laid out. Had the candles lit. Diffusing some nice, refreshing, invigorating essential oils. We had a cup of tea first … chatted …. got to learn of the above history. Thank God I had a full box of tissues handy. Anger, frustration, resentment. This glass is full to the rim but where to or how to empty this safely? What or how much hate lies at the bottom of this glass and how much at the top? What is the easiest approach to healing the past in this life time? We discussed our options. Kept returning to this full glass. Intuitive Healing is akin to Spiritual Healing: To quote the King James Bible: “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. ” 1 John 3:18…. How much do you love yourself? I say: In order to empty that full glass of anger, frustrsstion and resentment, one needs to start forgiving oneself, before forgiving those who were/are unjust towards you. “Ya…. but …. I have already forgiven them….” And did the problem go away in your body? If the glass is full to the rim, can you still add more without it overflowing? “NO!” Exactly. So all them years ago, your “house of cards” came tumbling down when you experienced that “Burn-Out” effect and started that downward spiral into depression. The “house of cards” fell because the foundation was pulled from under your feet. Like an earthquake, the foundation was shuck and the vibrational energy travelled up and all came crumbling down. But the “house of cards” that is YOU was never rebuilt to its original form. Infact, the broken layers were just thrown on top of each other, just enough to make you function, but were never healed. So the glass is full. This was my approach. Visualise this full glass being a multicoloured candle, like a chakra candle. In order to reach the bottom, we have to burn away slowly from the top. So let’s light this candle. Visualise the top layer of your full glass, the emotion here is the “smallest” of all in this glass. Baby steps. We will work our way down and even the Top of a Mountain, belongs to the Base of a Mountain. So visualise what that top layer represents to you and what colour do you give this? “Dark Violet, nearly black”. Very good. What colour would you like it to be for it to be released and set free as it no longer serves you today? “Baby blue”. Excellent. Breathe in that Baby Blue colour to that top layer and exhale that violet-black and continue so until your outbreath is equal to your inbreath. Ly down on to your front and need to address your Anger. T5. I need to “rock” your foundation, well not YOUR foundation, but that at the bottom of that glass. 32Hz weighted tuning fork. NOTE to self: Wear a thumb support. Moved on to 64Hz weighted. Working the meridinas on both sides of body. Yin and Yang. What goes in, must go out. 528Hz into Aura. Now roll onto your back. Magnets. Dantiens. Starting at the lower. Scanning with my hand I feel heat and vibration, vibration like bubbling water. Not good. Liver Running magnets over lower dantien – I feel some resistance to “let go”. I move on to Head. I see her grimace. I continue. She’s still focusing on her breathing exercise. Her face relaxes. Nearly smiling. I move back to lower dantien. I work the magents over her. I repeat and repeat and then, something quite unexpected happened. She exhales . .. and this time (and if you are in the medical field you’ll understand this) on her breath was a strong metabolic odour. She’s not a diabetic. She does not have liver disease. I asked her what colour was her outbreath …. baby blue! Job done! And this was just the top layer. She returned to “the here and now”. “WOAAAAAAAA OMG If this was just the top layer…… how will I do and feel when all layers are gone?” I gave her instructions what do for herself at home. This session took about 2.5hrs.
Thank you for dropping by and reading my blog. Until the next story, stay well.